The Calcutta

$how me the money

Live Calcutta


  • The teams will be paired by a blind draw.

  • Each team will consist of two RH members and their guests.

  • A team pairing sheet will be available to each contestant.


  • Each four-man team will be sold at a live auction with a minimum opening bid of $500.00 for each team.

  • Bidding will continue until a high bidder is established.

  • Conglomerates or combinations can be formed for bidding, but only one individual’s name is to be used as the bidding party, and he will be responsible for the payment of the bid amount and the distribution of any monies won.


  • All members will be charged on their club account at the conclusion of the auction on Wednesday night.

Stampede Calcutta Payout Breakdown

Sixty percent (60%) of the money allocated to the Calcutta will be paid out to daily winners with 20% each day for Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. The remaining 40% will be paid out to the overall tournament winners. The payout will be in the following percentages.

Daily Payouts = 60% of Calcutta Pool (20% per day)

Overall Winners = 40% of Calcutta Pool

Daily Payout approx. 20% of Pool to Overall the top 5 teams as follows:

  • 1st - (30%)

  • 2nd - (25%)

  • 3rd - (20%)

  • 4th - (15%)

  • 5th - (10%)

Overall Winner’s Distribution

  • 1st - (30%)

  • 2nd - (25%)

  • 3rd - (20%)

  • 4th - (15%)

  • 5th - (10%)

Any team not buying themselves will be allowed to purchase 25% of themselves. This is to be worked out directly with the final purchaser of the team.